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First time signing in

As a new user of Mosaiq Insights, your company admin will have already created an account for you, so your first step is to sign in. 

  • Check your email for a message from containing a temporary password (1). Click “sign in” - the Mosaiq Insights sign-in web page will open in your web browser (2). Check the cookies message at the bottom of the page and choose to accept or reject this. For more information, please see the “Cookies and privacy policy” section.

  • Enter the email address from your Mosaiq welcome email, plus the supplied temporary password and click “sign in” (3).

  • You must create a new secure password before you can proceed. Enter and confirm a new password of at least 1 uppercase character, 1 lowercase character, 1 number and a minimum of 8 characters in total. Click “save new password”.

Your account is now set up and you’re signed in.

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