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Role types

User management functions for all Mosaiq products are found within Mosaiq Live and available to users with “Superuser”, “Admin” or “Operator Admin” role types.

When adding or editing a user the following types of user roles are available to assign to users:

  • “Superuser” - this role is available to staff based at Snapper’s channel partner organizations. This role enables support personnel to have access to full functionality across Mosaiq Insights & Mosaiq Live, as well as the ability to easily switch between different customer networks to increase efficiency when responding to support queries.

    • A user with this level of access will be able to add/edit/delete users with any of the below role types.

  • “Admin” - this role is limited to a single customer network, however will have access to full functionality across Mosaiq Insights & Mosaiq Live, including the ability to add/edit/remove users & manage GTFS data for that customer network.

    • A user with this level of access will be able to add/edit/delete users with “Admin”, “Operator Admin”, “Mosaiq Insights User”, “Mosaiq Go User” role types.

  • “Operator Admin” - this role is limited to a single customer network and 1 or more Operators within that network. The user will have full access to add/edit/remove users within the scope of assigned Operators they have been given access to.

    • A user with this level of access will be able to add/edit/delete users with “Operator Admin”, “Mosaiq Insights User”, “Mosaiq Go User” role types, but only where the user has access to the same operator data for which the Operator Admin is assigned.

  • “Mosaiq Insights User” - this role has full access to Mosaiq Insights, however Mosaiq Live functionality is limited to the Map view (ie no ability to upload new GTFS data or perform user management actions).

    • Access is scoped for this role type by Operator also, so upon creation, or editing, it is necessary to either select “All Operators” or only the ones for which the user should be able to see data for.

  • “Mosaiq Go User” - this role is for users that need to sign into Mosaiq Go, the main difference here is that a phone number must be provided for the user (instead of an email address).

Record Type
Multi Customer Access
Single Customer
Mosaiq Insights
Mosaiq Live
User Management
GTFS Static Upload
Mosaiq Go





Operator Admin

*Access to data & user mgmt restricted by the specified operators for this user role




Mosaiq Insights User

*Access to data restricted by the specified operators for this user role. Can be “All Operators”.



Mosaiq Go User

Phone number

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