User Management
User management functions for all Mosaiq products are found within Mosaiq Live and available to users with “Superuser”, “Admin” or “Operator Admin” role types.

If you’re not already in Mosaiq Live, click Mosaiq Live to the left navigation bar. (1)
Click users to the top left of the navigation bar. (2)
All users will be displayed by default, to find a specific user this list can be filtered by using the “search” field. (3)
“Search” works globally across all fields within the Users table, eg Name, Role, Status, etc
All roles allows you to filter users by role (4)
All Operators allows you to filter by operators access (5)
Add user allows you to inviite new users to use the Mosaiq platform (6)
Resend invite will only be available if the status of the user = “Invite sent” (7)
Edit user allows editing of the name, role and customer fields* (8)
Delete user removes the access of users from the Mosaiq platform (9)
*The operators field for user roles is uneditable, for any changes the user will need to be deleted & recreated.