Saving filters
The Save filter settings function allows you to store your current selected parameters for future usage.

The Save filter settings (1) function is found on the top right. The filter options button (2) will allow you to apply, delete and rename past saved filters if you have any filters saved previously.

When selecting the save filter settings a pop up will appear allowing you to see the (1) date range you have selected as well as the number of (2) operator or services you have selected for your saved filter. You will need to create a (3) unique name for your filter. If you are happy with the name, select (4) save. To dismiss the pop up (4) select “X” in the top right.

When selecting the filter setting menu you will be presented with the above menu. This menu will allow you to select previous saved filters to delete, apply or rename (1)
To delete saved filters select the desired filter (2) and then select delete (3)
To apply past a past saved filter select the desired filter and select apply (4)
To dismiss this side panel select the “X” in the top right (5)
While the side bar is open the KPI dashboard can still be accessed, and elements can be selected.
Multiple filters can be selected for deletion if required.
Only one filter can be applied at a time.
Clicking “X” at the top right of the menu, clicking an area outside the menu or selecting cancel will close the menu.