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Service details filters

The direction filter always defaults to “inbound”, unless there are 0 journeys for inbound for the selected date range and >0 journeys for “outbound”.

Filter 1 - all stops / timing points only

  • Filter 1 shows you either all the stops associated with this journey (whether timing points or otherwise), or just the timing point stops (1).

  • Timing point stops are indicated by the blue bar to the left of the data row (2).

Click anywhere in the filter box to open the filter and make your selection.

 If you want to clear your filters quickly at any point, click **Clear filters** (3).

Filter 2 – Variants

  • Filter 2 lets you select either a single variant1 that occurs on this service, or “All variants” (1).

  • A single variant selection will present the stop level information using the stop sequence that the vehicles will utilise when performing the service (2).

  • The all variants choice will present the stops ordered by those with the most “early” visits presented first (ie descending order)

1Variants are named using the pattern “<Origin stop> - < Destination stop> (nn stops)”

If you want to clear your filters quickly at any point, click **Clear filters** (3).


Inbound filter with 'First stop' row

We can see that the first stop on this inbound service is stop 6329 at Little Northpool. 

The average early time (average time in minutes a vehicle was early at this stop) was 2 minutes 02 seconds (6) since the average early time is more than 200% of the early threshold which is 60 seconds this is highlighted with the red exclamation icon. It was also late with an average late time (average time in minutes a vehicle was late at this stop) of 5 minutes 44 seconds (7) which means no warning icons show, as it was not 175% over the late threshold which is 5 minutes and 59 seconds. The scheduled count is the total number of times that stop is scheduled is showing at 2,567 (8). The On time performance bar (8) allows you to sort by Early, On time, Late and Not detected. 

In the final three columns we can see how this stop performed against the schedule. It is a first stop, so only has data in the first stop count column (10) and timing points count column (11) (as all first and last stops are also timing points). We can see that the 2,227 matched journeys were out of a scheduled total of 2,567.

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