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On a Scheduled trip

Once a trip has started Mosaiq Go will respond dynamically to vehicle movements.

Use a two finger scroll to switch between 3D and 2D view

Stationary Operation

Image 1.png
Image 2.png

If the vehicles are stationary, you can (1) access the Message screen, (2) list view, (3) add/remove the number of passengers and (4 + 5) end the trip.

Safety Lock

Image 3.png

For safety reasons when the vehicle is moving, the passenger counter will be dismissed and display instead Vehicle in motion. The safety lock can be disabled (1 + 2), however it is not recommended.

The safety lock will remain on unless the vehicle is stationary

Image 4.png

Your trip information can be linked to your existing RTI displays so passengers get up-to-date information.

Ending a trip

Image 5.png

Once the vehicle has reached its last stop you can now end the trip:

  • Select the arrow icon (1)

  • Select End trip (2)

  • Select Confirm

  • Select Continue

The details of the trip will be recorded in the Logs Screen

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