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Data quality indicator

The data quality indicator displays the volume of actual journey level real-time data (we support GTFS and Real time vehicle location data) that has been received and compared against the schedule data (GTFS Schedule dataset).

The data quality indicator is found in the top right of the KPI Dashboard (1).

Matched = at least one instance of real-time data (a heartbeat from a vehicle) has been matched against a journey from the GTFS Schedule dataset.
No data = no instances of heartbeats (real-time data) have been received to match a scheduled journey in the GTFS

Cancelled = A trip that existed in the schedule but was removed

The view can be toggled to display a journey percentage or a count as preferred, and changes to reflect whether all operators or one operator is selected (2).

A journey will be considered “matched” if one real-time heartbeat can be matched to a journey from the GTFS Schedule dataset.

Real-time heartbeats received without a trip_ID are classed as dead running and don’t register in this data.


By toggling between the percent and count figures, we can see that over 151,000 journeys have been matched from the real-time data to the schedule data, which equates to 92% data accuracy. 

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